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2nd Session Documentation


Remarks by Mr. Nitin Desai, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA

Item 2: Adoption of the agenda and other organization matters

Provisional agenda and organization of work (​E/C.16/2003/1)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish 

Economic and Social Council decision on the provisional agenda for the second session of CEPA (2003/207)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Item 3: Enhancing the capacity of public administration to implement the United Nations Millennium Declaration

Item 3 (1):  Status and trends in e-government development

Report of the Secretariat: Status of and trends in the development of e-government (E/C.16/2003/2)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian |Spanish

Remarks by Chief, KMB/DPADM

Presentation by Government of the State of Colima, Mexico

Item 3 (2): Strategies for high-quality staffing in the public sector

​Economic and Social Council resolution on public administration and development (E/RES/2002/400 - 19 December 2002)
Arabic | Chinese English | French | Russian | Spanish

General Assembly resolution on public administration (A/RES/57/277 adopted at its 78th Meeting on 20 December 2002)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Conference paper: Strategies for high-quality staffing in the public sector (E/C.16/2003/4)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Remarks by Chief, GPAB/DPADM

Remarks by Mr. Allan Rosenbaum, Florida International University

Item 3 (3): Mainstreaming poverty reduction strategies within the millennium development goals: the role of public administration

Report of the Secretariat: Mainstreaming poverty reduction strategies within the Millennium Development Goals: the role of public administration (E/C.16/2003/5)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Remarks by Chief, SGMB/DPADM

Remarks by Government of Sri Lanka 

Item 4: Basic data on the public sector

Report of the Secretariat: Basic data in the public sector (E/C.16/2003/3)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Remarks by KMB/DPADM

Item 5: Review of United Nations activities on public administration

Remarks by Director, DPADM