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Mr. Juwang Zhu
Director, Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG)
Digital Government Branch (DGB)
Mr. Vincenzo Aquaro
Institutions for Sustainable Development Goals Branch (ISDGB)
Mr. David Le Blanc
Public Service Innovation Branch (PSIB)
Programme Management and Capacity Development Unit (PMCDU)
Ms. Adriana Alberti
Committee of Experts on Public Administration Secretariat (CEPAS)
Mr. Patrick Spearing

Project Offices

UN Project Office on Governance (UNPOG)
Internet Governance Forum Secretariat (IGF)
Mr. Chengetai Masango


AddressDivision for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG)
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
Two United Nations Plaza, 17th Floor 323 East 44 Street, New York, NY 10017