Main Expectations:
The Global Forum and Capacity Development Workshops are expected to achieve the following goals:
- Facilitate the exchange of best practices and innovations among government officials and public administration practitioners in order to strengthen their capacity and improve living conditions of people in
- Impart new skills among senior government officials to enable them to effectively perform their tasks to provide better services to citizens;
- Strengthen North-South and South-South cooperation to strengthen public administration capacity in developing countries;
- Build trust and partnerships among governments, CSOs,
parliamentarians, mayors and the private sector in governance related areas to enhance their capacity to work collectively for the benefit of all citizens; and
- Identify practical approaches to human resource development, decentralization, accountability and transparency, access to services, and other dimensions of innovative public administration.
Objective/Purpose of Project: As for the previous workshops organized in 2005, the overall objective of this initiative is to provide an opportunity for participants to share experiences, learn about innovative practices and strengthen their cooperation in this field. This is also in line with 2002 General Assembly resolution on public administration and development, which reiterates that particular emphasis should be given to the exchange of experience related to the role of public administration in the implementation of internationally agreed goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration. In particular, participants will be able to:
- Discuss key issues regarding innovations in governance to achieve the Millennium Development Goals;
- Share experiences and best practices in building trust, partnerships and public sector capacity to improve the quality of governance for a better life for all;
- Examine practical tools and approaches to respond to issues concerned with participatory and transparent governance;
- Identify strategies to adapt best practices to different national contexts;
- Strengthen national capacity to formulate and implement policies, programmes, and initiatives fostering synergies between the State and its citizens;
- Promote cooperation among government, private sector, and non-governmental organizations in implementing innovative programmes; and,
- Identify existing or potential areas of North-South and South-South cooperation in promoting good governance.
Key Accomplishments (to-date):
The 7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government: Building Trust in Government took place at United Nations Headquarters in Vienna, Austria from 26 to 29 June 2007. It included presentations and discussions in plenary sessions, seven parallel capacity development workshops, and a series of side events, which included the UN Public Service Awards Ceremony, the Ministerial Round Table on Building Trust in Government, the Parliamentary Forum, the Mayoral Round Table on Local Governments: Partners for Development, the Meeting of Institutes of Public Administration, the Round Table on Building Trust in the Electoral Process, the Seventh Interregional Consultative Meeting of UNPAN, the Meeting of the Network of Innovators in Governance in the Mediterranean Region, and an Exhibition on Innovations for the Public Sector. In addition, At the conclusion of the forum, delegates endorsed the Vienna Declaration on Building Trust in Government, which outlined specific policy measures to improve governance and administration, while stressing the need for international development partners, including bilateral donors and the United Nations, to increase support to developing countries to strengthen public sector capacities. The Declaration further expressed appreciation to the United Nations Secretariat for the successful preparation of the Forum, as well as to the Governments of Austria, France, Italy, and the Republic of Korea for their support, and the members of the Institutional Partners Group for the capacity development workshops.
Cooperation Partners: Governments of Italy, France, ROK, Austria and Microsoft Corporation
Time Frame: April 2006 - December 2009
Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$1,961,697
Division: OD