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UN DESA’s Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) provides capacity building and policy advice to countries, upon their request, to strengthen governments’ capacities to translate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other internationally agreed goals into institutional arrangements, strategies and programmes for effective service delivery and participatory, accountable and inclusive decision-making processes. It does so through several modalities, including the implementation of development cooperation projects listed below.


Past Projects

URT/08/001: Capacity Building for External Resources and Development Management

Feedback: Budget revision submitted on 16 November 2009, no reply

Comments: Project is operationally completed. Final budget revision was sent to the field on 16 November 2009 and we are still awaiting the signed revision from the field.

Time Frame: January 2007 - December 2009

Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget US$225,818

SAU/07/002: Support for Policy Analysis and Strategic Planning

Main Expectations:

(a) Strengthened strategic planning, macro and sectoral policy analysis, regional socio-economic planning and development, and plan monitoring; (b) Institutional Support Facilities established and operated; and (c) Accelerated capacity building and training programme.


Objective/Purpose of Project: This is the third phase of a six-year capacity building programme for the Ministry of Economy and Planning. The major objectives of the six-year programme are (a) to build the capacity of the Ministry in economic and social policy analysis, sectoral and strategic planning, regional and decentralized planning and social policy analysis, and plan monitoring and implementation; (b) to integrate the various capacity building and support initiatives into the institutional and organizational setting of the Ministry; and (c) to conduct a staff training programme for Saudi nationals through the medium of special technical support facilities in the selected areas.


Key Accomplishments (to-date):
(a) Various reports produced by the UNDESA experts for preparing the MDG report of the Kingdom; (b) Six background studies for the preparation of the National Human Development Report; (3) Comprehensive policy papers produced by the UNDESA experts for the preparation of the 9th National Development Plan; (4) Special macroeconomic models for studying core policy issues; and (5) a training programme designed for national staff for economic modeling and quantitative analysis.

Cooperation Partners: UNDP, The Ministry of Economy and Planning of the Government of Saudi Arabia, UNDESA
Time Frame: June 2007 - December 2009

Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$3,461,808.00
Division: DMB

INT/07/X62: Euro-African Partnership for Decentralized Governance, Phase II

Main Expectations:
1. Support decentralization processes in Africa as a means to contribute to local development, good governance, democracy and peace; 2. Enhance the relationships among both regional and local institutions from Europe and Africa; 3. Facilitate the debate on strategies and models of decentralization.

Objective/Purpose of Project: The objective of the Euro African Partnership for Decentralized Governance project is to contribute to the strengthening of local governance in Africa by promoting the establishment of partnerships between African and European local institutions to share knowledge about best practices and conduct study tours and other capacity development activities.


Key Accomplishments (to-date):
Through various capacity development workshops and study tours, this project has promoted policy dialogue, and exchange of knowledge on good practices to improve decentralized governance in selected African countries. It also fostered greater cooperation between local authorities in Africa and Europe creating the foundations for a more sustainable collaboration in the future. Moreover, it has led to the establishment of a Network for capacity-building of women in local authorities in Africa.

Cooperation Partners: UNDESA, Tuscany Region and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Time Frame: October 2007 - December 2010

Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$535,362
Division: PACB

GLO/06/X02: Global Alliance for ICT in Development

Main Expectations: 1. Contribute to mainstream ICT into the UN development agenda;
2. Foster partnerships and collaboration among key ICT4D stakeholders to enhance their effectiveness;
3. Raise awareness of policymakers on ICTD policy issues;
4. Facilitate identification of technological solutions for specific development needs;
5. Promote an enabling environment for pro-poor investment, innovation and entrepreneurship and for empowering poor and disabled communities;
6. Advise the Secretary-General on ICTD-related issues.

Objective/Purpose of Project: The mission of the Global Alliance for ICT and Development is to contribute to transforming the spirit and vision of WSIS into action and promoting the use of ICT for the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. It does so by providing an inclusive, multi-stakeholder global forum and platform for cross-sectoral policy dialogue and advocacy and by catalyzing multi-stakeholder action oriented partnerships encouraged under the GAID umbrella. The Alliance provides multi-stakeholder input to intergovernmental bodies, including Economic and Social Council and the Commission for Science and Technology for Development. Specific attention is given to mainstreaming ICTD into the United Nations development agenda, raising awareness of policy-makers and providing advice to the Secretary-General on ICTD policy.

Key Accomplishments: GAID contributed to mainstreaming ICT in the UN Development Agenda through high-profile events at sessions of CSTD, ECOSOC and GA. Three Global Forums, a Connect Africa Summit and two publications contributed to advancing advocacy and policy on ICT's role in development, particularly on issues of youth, connectivity and financing for development. A series of innovative meetings explored ways to leverage innovation and establish close linkages between the technology and development communities.

Cooperation Partners: The Global Alliance has a wide network of partners in the ICT for Development community. Its Steering Committee and Strategy Council are made of 20 and 72 members respectively, representing the diverse stakeholder groups (governments, civil society, private sector and international organizations). A few notable partners are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Canada, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Inter-American Development Bank, Intel Corporation, EMC Corporation, Ericsson, Cisneros Foundation, Bilbao IT4All Network of local authorities, ST Microelectronics, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, International Telecommunications Union, UNESCO, Civicus.
Time Frame: January 2006 – December 2010
Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$ 2,128,608
Division: DMB

LES/06/001: E-Government for Enhanced Service Delivery

Main Expectations: The Departments within the Ministry will have an integrated email system in place and will have their business processes streamlined. In addition, the Ministry will have an intranet and portal in place that will enable it to share documents and knowledge.

Objective/Purpose of Project: The project will focus on the government to government (G to G) element of e-government by ensuring that the departments within the Ministry are using the same IT platform. The project will support the interconnectivity among the four locations through a wireless solution. Each location will be equipped with the necessary hardware to form a ministry-wide IT platform. Departments that have a network already in place will be connected to a ministry-wide backbone. Those that do not have a network in place will be supplied the hardware that will enable them to be connected to the backbone. Each department will be responsible to network its own users to the backbone. 

To assist with the business reengineering process and enhancing the ministry’s workflow, the project will recruit a consultant who will be answerable to Director ICT to work with the ministry to develop and implement a strategy that will streamline the current workflow of the ministry to enhance its effectiveness.

Key Accomplishments (to-date): Senior managers were trained on e-government issues. In addition, department IT personnel were trained on basic networking and hardware support. A wireless network solution covering 4 locations for the ministry was installed. A ministry wide intranet and email system was implemented.

An internal portal containing key policies, procedures and content was implemented. A Strategic Report outlining workflow processes and reengineering was completed. 

Cooperation Partners: Ministry of Communications of the Government of Lesotho and UNDP-Lesotho
Time Frame: January 2006 - December 2008

Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$288,688
Division: EGB

MAU/06/005: Human Rights and Judicial sector governance » (Droits de l’Homme et Gouvernance judiciaire) – Country Programme Action Plan - CPAP

Main Expectations:
1. A national Center for Human Rights is created and is functional with concrete activities on the field
2. A national support programme for Human Rights promotion and protection is developed and achieved.

Objective/Purpose of Project: 1. Promotion of Human Rights through Law enactment in Mauritania
2. Consolidating Rule of Law with the integration of international conventions provisions into national legislation

Key Accomplishments (to-date): Further to a National Programme for Human Rights (PNADH) adopted by Mauritania Government in 2005, the following accomplishments have been issued:
1. In-depth Report on Mauritania national legislation Harmonization with International Mauritania commitments in the area of Human Rights
2. A plan for a sound implementation of the National Programme of Human Rights (PNADH) following the “IEC (Information-Education-Communication) Method”
3. A project document for the implementation of National action Plan for Human Rights Promotion and Protection in Mauritania
4. A 2008 National Human Rights Report

Cooperation Partners: Mauritania Government, UNDP, UNDESA
Time Frame: January 2006 - December 2009

Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$50,009
Division: DMB

GLO/06/X01: Internet Governance Forum

Main Expectations:

Pursuant to the Tunis Agenda, among others: build on the existing structures of Internet governance, with special emphasis on the complementarity between all stakeholders involved in this process, meet periodically in order to facilitate and foster discourse on Internet Governance issues.


Objective/Purpose of Project: The IGF mandate is described in paragraph 72 of the Tunis Agenda as a meeting of a new forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue. The mandate of the Forum includes, among others:
Discuss public policy issues related to key elements of Internet governance, facilitate discourse between stakeholders, interface with appropriate inter-governmental organizations and other institutions, facilitate the exchange of information and best practices, advise all stakeholders in proposing ways and means to accelerate the availability and affordability of the Internet in the developing world, strengthen and enhance the engagement of stakeholders in existing and/or future Internet governance mechanisms, identify emerging issues, contribute to capacity building, promote and assess, on an ongoing basis, the embodiment of WSIS principles in Internet governance processes, discuss issues relating to critical Internet resources, help to find solutions to the issues arising from the use and misuse of the Internet. All this in order to foster the sustainability, robustness, security, stability and development of the Internet.


Key Accomplishments (to-date):
The IGF has held annual meetings in Athens, Greece, from 30 October to 2 November 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 12 to 15 November 2007, Hyderabad, India, from 3 to 6 December 2008 and Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, from 15 to 18 November 2009. During meetings, participants representing all stakeholder groups attended the main sessions, workshops and other events. It is generally felt that the annual meetings have been a success and had been well run, providing a space for constructive and inspiring discourse on a multitude of public policy issues related to Internet governance. Several commentators emphasized the importance of the multi-stakeholder approach. It is generally felt by participants that the most successful aspects of the IGF is the opportunities that people are offered to work together on specific issues of Internet governance. In 2008 and 2009, there has also been a spread of national and regional IGF initiatives that fed into the annual IGF meeting. There is clear support for the multi-stakeholder processes and many participants have commented on how dialogue in the IGF, freed from the constraints of negotiations and decision-making, allow for ideas to be freely exchanged and debated.


Cooperation Partners: The IGF cooperates with all stakeholders with an interest in the Internet public policy discourse. These include governments; intergovernmental organizations and UN sister organizations such as UNESCO, ITU, WTO and the EU, Council of Europe, League of Arab States, OECD; the private sector; civil society, academia and the Internet community.
Time Frame:January 2006 - December 2010

Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$4,192,563.00
Division: EGB

INT/06/X07: 7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government

Main Expectations:
The Global Forum and Capacity Development Workshops are expected to achieve the following goals:

- Facilitate the exchange of best practices and innovations among government officials and public administration practitioners in order to strengthen their capacity and improve living conditions of people in
- Impart new skills among senior government officials to enable them to effectively perform their tasks to provide better services to citizens;
- Strengthen North-South and South-South cooperation to strengthen public administration capacity in developing countries;
- Build trust and partnerships among governments, CSOs,
parliamentarians, mayors and the private sector in governance related areas to enhance their capacity to work collectively for the benefit of all citizens; and
- Identify practical approaches to human resource development, decentralization, accountability and transparency, access to services, and other dimensions of innovative public administration.

Objective/Purpose of Project: As for the previous workshops organized in 2005, the overall objective of this initiative is to provide an opportunity for participants to share experiences, learn about innovative practices and strengthen their cooperation in this field. This is also in line with 2002 General Assembly resolution on public administration and development, which reiterates that particular emphasis should be given to the exchange of experience related to the role of public administration in the implementation of internationally agreed goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration. In particular, participants will be able to:

- Discuss key issues regarding innovations in governance to achieve the Millennium Development Goals;
- Share experiences and best practices in building trust, partnerships and public sector capacity to improve the quality of governance for a better life for all;
- Examine practical tools and approaches to respond to issues concerned with participatory and transparent governance;
- Identify strategies to adapt best practices to different national contexts; 
- Strengthen national capacity to formulate and implement policies, programmes, and initiatives fostering synergies between the State and its citizens;
- Promote cooperation among government, private sector, and non-governmental organizations in implementing innovative programmes; and, 
- Identify existing or potential areas of North-South and South-South cooperation in promoting good governance. 


Key Accomplishments (to-date):
The 7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government: Building Trust in Government took place at United Nations Headquarters in Vienna, Austria from 26 to 29 June 2007. It included presentations and discussions in plenary sessions, seven parallel capacity development workshops, and a series of side events, which included the UN Public Service Awards Ceremony, the Ministerial Round Table on Building Trust in Government, the Parliamentary Forum, the Mayoral Round Table on Local Governments: Partners for Development, the Meeting of Institutes of Public Administration, the Round Table on Building Trust in the Electoral Process, the Seventh Interregional Consultative Meeting of UNPAN, the Meeting of the Network of Innovators in Governance in the Mediterranean Region, and an Exhibition on Innovations for the Public Sector. In addition, At the conclusion of the forum, delegates endorsed the Vienna Declaration on Building Trust in Government, which outlined specific policy measures to improve governance and administration, while stressing the need for international development partners, including bilateral donors and the United Nations, to increase support to developing countries to strengthen public sector capacities. The Declaration further expressed appreciation to the United Nations Secretariat for the successful preparation of the Forum, as well as to the Governments of Austria, France, Italy, and the Republic of Korea for their support, and the members of the Institutional Partners Group for the capacity development workshops.

Cooperation Partners: Governments of Italy, France, ROK, Austria and Microsoft Corporation
Time Frame: April 2006 - December 2009

Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$1,961,697
Division: OD

CHD/06/001 Renforcement des capacités des structures nationales dans la mise.

Main Expectations:

1. Enhance capacity for the design, monitoring and evaluation of policies, and also follow-up and monitoring of public expenditures for the achievement of the MDG;
2. Improve governance and transparency in Chad, by sensitizing the various actors involved in budget management;
3. Foster ownership of the MDGs by all stallholders, by establishing a communication strategy in order to inform and get involved.

Objective/Purpose of Project: This project was designed to support capacity building of the Government of Chad for the management of its economy for the achievement of the MDGs. It main activities were focusing on the followings:

1. Support the preparation of a Poverty Reduction Strategy for the attainment of the MDGs in Chad;
2. Support training and introduction of a result based management in the public administration of Chad, particularly at the national budget level;
3. Support the fight against corruption, by training experts in this field, and also support the newly created Ministry in charge of moralization and fight again corruption.

Key Accomplishments (to-date):
The project successfully support the finalization of the MDG based Poverty Reduction Strategy that has been approved by the Government in March 2008. This Poverty Reduction Strategy is currently the framework for all donors’ intervention in Chad. The project also successfully managed to introduce result based budgeting in all the Ministries in Chad, making it one of the first country in Africa. The project is also producing each year an evaluation report of the Poverty Reduction Strategy and the MDGs. Finally, the project trained many civil servants in techniques to fight corruption in Chad.

Cooperation Partners: UNDP Chad
Time Frame: December 2006 - December 2010
Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$2,667,840.00
Division: DMB

GLO/05/E06: E-Accounting Initiative in Jamaica and Belize

Main Expectations: The project will help the Government of Belize to tackle the following problems: the high levels of corruption among public officials working at district traffic offices, citizens’ non-compliance with the payment of related fees, and the trafficking of vehicles illegally brought within the national borders.

The main expectation of the Jamaica project is the migration of FINMAN to a web based language and the implementation of new services and functionalities. 

Objective/Purpose of Project: The focus of this project is on the computerization of some key operations of the Department of Transport. The specific objective will be to address the needs of automating procedures related to the information management of driver license and vehicle registration. This objective will be achieved through the implementation of an online application that will convert the current paper-based procedure used by district traffic offices to interact with their citizens, and deliver services that are responsive to their needs.

The Government of Jamaica is planning to transform the existing cash based accounting system into an accrual accounting system in order to better evaluate the cost of the services and provide support to enable sound managerial decisions. In light of the above, a pilot project is underway using software (FINMAN) that allows accrual accounting and facilitates the sharing of financial information within public agencies. 

Key Accomplishments: The project in Belize has been completed. The driver license application has been submitted to the Government of Belize. The Government is currently waiting for the special driver license cards to be delivered so that it can fully implement the project.

The project in Jamaica has been postponed because the scope of the project is far greater than the amount of funds allocated.

Cooperation Partners: Government of Jamaica and Belize
Time Frame: January 2005 – December 2009
Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$485,222
Division: EGB

RAF/08/X01: Africa i-Parliaments Action Plan

Main Expectations: This project envisages empowering African Parliaments with skills, information services and applications that will allow them to become open, participatory, knowledge-based learning and participatory organizations and provide tools to support inter-parliamentary collaboration, shared services and capacity building activities.

Objective/Purpose of Project: This is a follow-up to the pilot project on “Strengthening Parliaments’ Information Systems in Africa” which was implemented from 2004 to 2008. The project aims to foster transparency and access to legislative and parliamentary documents and strengthen inter-parliamentary cooperation and capacity building activities in the Parliaments of Africa, in order to sustain good governance in Africa and allow African Parliaments to better fulfill their democratic functions.

Key Accomplishments (to-date): 1) AKOMA NTOSO - "Architecture for Knowledge-Oriented Management of African Normative Texts using Open Standards and Ontologies" a set of simple, technology-neutral representations of parliamentary, legislative and judiciary documents such as legislation, debate record, minutes, judgments, etc.
2) Bungeni – Parliamentary Information System is an end-to-end suite of applications that provides a world-leading solution for drafting, managing, consolidating and publishing legislative and other parliamentary documents.
3) Legislative Drafting Guidelines for Africa - Given the variety of legislative traditions and languages present in Africa, the project promoted the development of common legislative drafting guidelines to support the harmonization of legislation throughout the Continent.
4) Africa Parliamentary Knowledge Network (APKN) – APKN is a parliamentary network meant to support capacity building activities, common services, sharing experiences and best practices among Afri

Cooperation Partners: DESA/DPADM in cooperation with the African Parliaments, Pan-African Parliament, Regional institutions like EALA, SADC PF, and also European Parliament, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and African and non African universities and NGOs.
Time Frame: May 2005 - June 2012

Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$6,144,831
Division: PACB

RAF04007: Economic policies in support of MDGs and Poverty Reduction – Component I

Main Expectations: To integrate poverty reduction objectives into national economic policymaking and general socio-economic development strategies and programmes; and to facilitate viable policy options and institutional mechanisms to foster more pro-poor macroeconomic stabilization strategies, sustainable growth and higher levels of human development. To Strengthen the foundation laid for MDG-based planning processes in RBA countries on the issues of pro-poor policies and macroeconomic modeling and how to elaborate a MDG-consistent Medium-Term Expenditure Framework.

Objective/Purpose of Project: The project has two major focus areas as follows: i) integrating poverty reduction objectives into national economic policymaking and general socio-economic development strategies and programmes; and ii) facilitating viable policy options and institutional mechanisms to foster more pro-poor macroeconomic stabilization strategies, sustainable growth and higher levels of human development. The project will complement other related regional and country programmes supporting preparation and implementation of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) and building more effective linkages between PRSPs and MDGs, as well as statistical capacity building and socio-economic policy impact assessments.

Note: the project output and activities are joint with project RAF04M07

Key Accomplishments: Management of the project:  Annual progress report and assessments prepared for stakeholders Periodic combined missions to the implementing institutions and to the recipient countries to assess progress, provide substantive advice and refine further support required. Regular statements of service delivery, budgetary commitments and accounts submitted by implementing agencies and reviewed by UN DESA. Focal points and officers were appointed by UN-DESA for the administrative, financial and professional requirements and responsibilities by the project
Activities undertaken:
March 2005: UNDP report: Economic policies in support of MDGs and Poverty reduction, edited by Degol Hailu, Jonathan Stever and John Weeks, prepared for the RBA regional project
March 2005: Workshop Kigali Rwanda 21-23 March 2005
June 2005: Workshop on Pro Poor Macroeconomic Policies and MDGs- Dar Es Salaam, 20-25 June, 2005
2006: Training Module 4: Financial policies for pro-poor development by Costas Lapavitsas
2006: measuring the impact of inflation on the poor in Tanzania by Adolf F. Mkenda
2006: measuring the impact of inflation on the poor – Uganda case study March 2006: measuring the impact of inflation on the poor in Africa:
South Africa
July 2006: CREDES recherché: culture de cotton et reduction de la pauvrete: cas des zones cottonieres du Burkina Faso
October 2007: Workshop on Macroeconomic Analysis and Modeling in Support of MDGs.

Cooperation Partners: UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa (overall oversight responsibilities for implementation of the project)
Time Frame: November 2004 – December 2010
Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$0.00
Division: DMB