Main Expectations: Seven administrative areas have been targeted to strengthen governance as far as Public Administration is concerned in DRC:
1. Restructuring public sector organizations while redesigning working procedures along with the re-profiling of Human Resources considered as civil servants
2. Civil Service Rightsizing and sound management of state employees’ salaries
3. Review of civil service legal framework
4. Ethics and Integrity Promotion with implementation mechanisms throughout the public Administration
5. ICT Promotion and setting up E-government
6. Establishment of sound public communication within public administration including the links with judiciary and parliament Branches as well as with decentralized public institutions
7. Capacity Development of decentralized Administration.
Objective/Purpose of Project: Support for a new Public Administration with a special focus on an effective and efficient civil service working in a modernized and appropriate environment and taken into consideration decentralization as a priority orientation of the Government.
Key Accomplishments (to-date): As for December 2009 two key accomplishments can be underscored:
1. A Table with aggregate activities related to the new foundations of Public Administration standing for Public Administration Reform in DRC
2. A proposed new general Civil Service Code has been developed.
Cooperation Partners:DRC Government, UNDP, UNDESA, United Kingdom Cooperation-DFID (Trust Funds), Belgium Cooperation
Time Frame: May 2008 - December 2011
Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$153,454
Division: PACB