Effective, inclusive and accountable public institutions and digital government are key to people's well-being in every society across the world. UN DESA, through its support to public institutions in the design and implementation of public policies…
Transforming institutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals after the pandemic.The World Public Sector Report 2023 examines the role that national institutional and governance innovations and changes that emerged during the COVID-19…
This handbook introduces the reader to concepts, approaches, tools, exercises and innovative cases to Strengthen Resilience in Cities and Local Communities through Innovation and Digital Government. The handbook guides the reader towards roadmaps,…
Over the last few years, the world has experienced an unprecedented pandemic. At the crossroads of coexistence or co-destruction, nations learned that community-centred thinking and action was needed, breaking away from self-centred behaviour. This…
Ensuring no one is left behind is the overarching principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Achieving that goal entails taking bold and accelerated actions to end extreme poverty, curb inequalities, confront discrimination and fast-…
This handbook explains the concepts, attributes and approaches of collaborative administration and specifically introduces practical cases of collaborative public administration in local governments in the Republic of Korea. Collaborative public…
DPIDG/UN DESA is collaborating with the International Budget Partnership (IBP) to support Supreme Audit Institutions in conducting analyses of the credibility of government budgets through external audits (SDG16.6.1).“Strengthening Budget…
The 2023 SDG 16 Conference addressed the role of SDG 16 in navigating the intersecting crises the world is facing. The Conference reviewed the progress and challenges related to SDG 16, focusing on conflict, and shrinking trust in public…
Key messagesHarnessing digital technologies can greatly support public institutions in promoting effective youth engagement and participation in policy processes. Digital technologies can play an instrumental role in youth engagement and…
| Capacity Development Reports | Digital Government | Sound Policymaking | Local Governance | Open Government Data | Participation and Accountability | Principles of Effective Governance | Public Institutions | Public Service Innovation | Supreme Audit Institutions | Transformational Leadership and New Mindsets
UN DESA’s Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) provides capacity development support and policy advice to countries upon their request to strengthen governments’ capacities to translate the Sustainable Development Goals (…