1. Present the main results for the United Nations E-Government Survey 2022 with special focus on the results of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
2. Discuss and reflect on the progress and challenges in the region to ensure that digital government becomes a driver for sustainable development.
The event will last 1 hour and 30 minutes.
There will be English/Spanish interpretation.
Registration Link:… Read More
Data and related issues and developments in the public sector have become increasingly important in terms of government analysis and operations, academic research, and real-world applicability and acceptance. Data are now integral to every sector and function of government—as essential as physical assets and human resources. Much of the operational activity in government is now data-driven or data-centric, and many Governments would find it difficult, if not impossible, to function effectively… Read More
In preparation for the UN E-government Survey 2022 and with the aim to improve the Survey and its methodology, UN DESA is organizing a Local Online Service Index information session with stakeholders from cities to gather feedback and suggestions for the LOSI (Local Online Services Index) section of the UN E-Government Survey 2022. In addition to the Expert Group Meetings held in March 2021, UN DESA has already organized four regional consultation sessions, during the month of May 2021, in… Read More
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG), the Ministry of Public Service of Guyana, the Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD) and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), with the support of the Resident Coordinator Office, co-organized a Training Workshop on “Innovation, Digital Government and Changing Mindset for Public Sector Transformation in Guyana to Achieve the… Read More