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Compendium of Innovative E-Government Practices, Volume IV

In the face of increasing demands on governments to become more effective and efficient, coupled with a need to pay more attention to user needs, governments have been forced to rethink their approach to service delivery. Although many countries have implemented one-stop portals, online transactions and e-participation possibilities, developing public value in e-government is still at the initial stages of conceptualization and implementation. As a result, not all e-solutions and e-services that governments provide fully meet the needs of the citizen. The ultimate objective of governments is to foster a more digitally inclusive society through connected governance structures.

The main objective of developing the UNDESA Compendium of Innovative E-Government Practices as an ongoing project is to create a venue for promoting innovative e-government solutions, services and products developed and yet to be developed by governments. The Compendium does not promote one solution over another but rather exposes e-government practices that place the citizen in the forefront. Volume IV covers a wide range of innovative practices, such as applications that increase the efficiency of the public sector in finance, health, education, environment and a number of applications that foster citizens' participation.


File added date: June 2021
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