DESA/DPIDG in collaboration with the International Budget Partnership (IBP) will organize a virtual expert group meeting on the development of a handbook on how supreme audit institutions (SAIs) can contribute to strengthening the credibility of government budgets. Representatives from SAIs and other organizations, will discuss the proposed approach, analytical framework, methodology and relevant audit issues for the handbook, and provide technical inputs on the subject matter, including the… Read More
In preparation for the UN E-government Survey 2022 and with the aim to improve the Survey and its methodology, UN DESA is organizing consultation sessions with stakeholders to gather feedback and suggestions for the UN E-Government Survey 2022.
The dates for the sessions for the different regions and time zones are:
• 5th May 2021: 12PM Standard GMT (Global during the WSIS Forum 2021) – Completed, please click here for session details.
• 14th May 2021: 2AM Standard GMT (for Asia Pacific) (… Read More