The page provides in depth information on :
“Would you like to stop smoking? Test your motivation, assess your addiction, choose the right moment, get help if necessary and… it's up to you, to breathe health.”
Identify smoking addiction
Put all the assets on your side
Get help, consult!
When it is possible and recommended to control your alcohol consumption, when it is important for you and for others, when you need to talk about it, to confide in yourself or to get help, professionals are at your service . They can guide you or accompany you
It goes the same way as with tobacco with the following steps.
Addictive substances and behaviors
It is useful to ask yourself questions about your consumption, in particular if you feel depressed, if you have memory loss or whiteouts, if the consumption is overflowing at weekends, evenings, if you feel bad when you do not consume. The abandonment of any activity (cultural, sports ...), lack of motivation, anxiety, Tobacco and Alcohol Cannabis, Poppers, Amphetamines, Ecstasy, Cocaine and Crack , GHB, Heroin. Ketamine, LSD
Reference contacts in matters of addiction
Addiction treatment, support and prevention centers (CSAPA)
Reception and support centers for risk reduction for drug users (CAARUD)
Young consumer consultations (Under 25 yr)
Teens and screens: 5 mini films on their virtual world
Computer, TV, mobile, console ... The screen is gaining ground at home, with its benefits and risks. Understanding the virtual world and culture of teenagers and establishing a dialogue with them without being intrusive is not always straightforward.
Screen abuse - Useful contacts