Enabling business owners, for a period of three months, to postpone the supply of value-added tax, selective goods tax and income tax, and postpone the submission of zakat returns and postpone the payment of their obligations
Postponing the collection of fees for the services of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs to the private sector for a period of 3 months for more than 1,400 economic activities. This can be done online through portal (https://balady.gov.sa) Compensation of SMEs for selected government fees, in order to encourage them to enter the market, and support them to achieve growth during the first years of work (allocated budget: 7 billion riyals) and this can be done by applying online(https://esterdad.monshaat.gov.sa/Home/Index?landingpage=3&referrer)
These just examples details can be found in the below link:
Multiple organizations