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Job initiative aimed at securing the employment of as many workers from the non-food trade by temporary employment in the food trade.
Non-food retailers who wish to temporarily employ parts of their staff in the food trade can use the job platform of the Austrian Retail Association. The consent of employees concerned is necessary. The platform also serves as a mediation platform between retailers and workers as
- food/near-food traders temporarily lack workers and
- private individuals search for temporarily open jobs.
The groceries assistants – labour power for the food chain.
In order to counteract the labour shortage in the food industry and during the harvest, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Tourism and Regions established a central platform for the registration of potential workers for the placement of workers. This also enables affected companies in the food chain to register their personnel requirements.


Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, Austrian Retail Association, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, Federal Ministry of Labour, Youth and Family, Austrian Chamber of Agriculture and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA), the Maschinenring (MR), the University of Veterinary Vienna (vetmed), the University College for Agricultural and Environmental Pedagogy (HAUP) and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)

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