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DHIS2 System: At the first, COVID19 data were collected by surveillance and laboratory departments on paper-based and then entered in Excel sheets; however, since there was already an electronic data warehouse system (DHIS2) available in MoPH established with partnership of USAID for health and health-related data, the system was adapted for COVID19 data as well and all information on COVID19 is now entered into the system once the cases are announced.
Social Media: The risk communication messages regarding COVID19 are developed by the Health Promotion Department with partnership of WHO and released through MoPH social media sites.
Coordination & Communication: Different coordination and communication channels are established in MoPH as well as with related COVID19 control partners in order to better communicate the related tasks for COVID19 control and response.


Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), General Directorate of Monitoring & Evaluation and Health Information System (M&EHIS), National Disease Surveillance and Response (NDSR), Central and some of designated Regional Public Health Laboratories

Digital Government