This paper analyzes the development of national institutional arrangements in support of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since 2015 in the 46 Least Developed Countries (LDCs). The analysis is based on a set of indicators of institutional “milestones” in relation to SDG implementation, developed in the World Public Sector Report 2021. The results highlight commonalities as well as difference between institutional developments in LDCs and in a sample of countries at all levels of development analyzed in the World Public Sector Report. Similarities include the rapid and almost universal creation of high-level coordination mechanisms for SDG implementation and publication of at least one voluntary national review report. Differences include the lower level of engagement of civil society in SDG follow-up and review in LDCs, and the low number of LDCs having created government-managed central SDG hubs with information that goes beyond SDG indicators. On average, the achievement of specific milestones has been slower in LDCs than in other countries. The review also revealed that information related to public strategy and policy documents in LDCs is often hard to find on the web, which raises questions about awareness and engagement of all stakeholders around SDGs in those national contexts.
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