Main Expectations: 1. Formulation of a national programme for justice modernization (PNMJ)
2. Strengthening capacities of Justice Ministry to conduct judicial sector reform
3. Setting up a management Unit for the implementation of National Programme (PNMJ)
4. Resource Mobilization and Aid coordination for judicial sector reform
5. Legislation Review and Modernization
6. Strengthening management capacities of magistrates as well as modernizing management capacities of national jurisdictions
7. Setting up a data base for « laws, bylaws, judicial decisions, legal acts in force in Togo »
8. Support for popularization and access to legal information
Objective/Purpose of Project: - Provide support to Ministry of Justice for developing a national programme for Justice Modernization
- Resource and Aid Mobilisation for the implementation of Justice Modernization National Programme
- Capacity Strengthening for a sound administration of Justice
- Provide support for technical assistance for carrying out National Programme for Justice Modernization (PNMJ) activities
Capacity Building of magistrates and justice auxiliaries
- Modernization of judicial facilities and Improvement of Jurisdictions Management ( CSM, CS, Cours d’appel, TPI)
Improvement of access to Justice and Judicial Information.
Key Accomplishments (to-date): The project ‘’support to Judicial Sector Reform’’ has been recognized as the ‘’ Best practice UNDP / Togo’’ in 2009:
1. A national Programme for Justice Modernization (PNMJ) has been developed and successfully implemented
2. The capacities of Ministry of Justice (MdJ) have been reinforced
3. A functional management Unit has been set up to support the Ministry (MdJ) for the implementation of the programme (PNMJ).
4. A Ministry of Justice Website :
5. Advocacy for resource mobilization has been productive
6. Magistrates’ Capacities have been strengthened including the Justice surrounding staff [auxiliaries: as justice clerks (greffiers), justice related police and other justice sector staff).
7. National legislation has been reviewed and the review cycle is still on:
8. Access to judicial information: Its electronic link Is:
9. A DVD compiling judicial information that has been disseminated along with a series of ‘Judicial information Books’ (coffrets législatifs).
10. Access to information related to judicial procedure as jurisdictional administration: through the Ministry of Justice website: by clicking on ‘’démarches judiciaires’’
11. Support for Popularization in Justice Matters has been provided
12. Judicial Research Toolkits has been issued : (i) a Vade-mecum for judicial research and (ii) a Vade-mecum addressing the issue on how to manage pre-electoral justice cases.
Cooperation Partners: Government of Togo, UNDP, UNDESA, UE, France (Coopération bilatérale et Fonds fiduciaire DGTTF-France)
Time Frame: December 2004 - December 2010
Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$683,523
Division: PACB