Remarks by H.E. Mr. Lazarous Kapambwe, President of ECOSOC (Video)
Remarks by Mr. Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA (Video)
Remarks by Officer-in-Charge, DPDAM/DESA
Remarks by Chairperson (Video)
Item 2: Adoption of the agenda and other organization matters
Provisional annotated agenda (E/C.16/2011/1)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
Economic and Social Council decision on the venue and dates and provisional agenda of the tenth session of CEPA (2010/239)
Item 3: Public governance for results to improve the quality of human life for all, by supporting the implementation of the Internationally Agreed Development Goals (IADGs) including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs):
Item 3 (a): Conceptual framework
Note by the Secretariat: Public Governance for Results: A Conceptual and Operational Framework (E/C.16/2011/2)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
Remarks by Mr. Francisco Longo, Secretary-General, ESADE Business and Law School, Ramon Llull University (Abstract | Text)
Remarks by Ms. Meredith Edwards, Professor Emeritus, University of Canberra (Abstract | Presentation)
Item 3 (b): Post-conflict and post-disaster countries
Note by the Secretariat: Public governance for results: state capacity for post-conflict and post-disaster reconstruction and social protection policies (E/C.16/2011/3)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
Remarks by Dr. Susan L. Woodward, Expert Scholar and Political Advisor
Remarks by Ms. Odette Ramsingh, Group Human Resources Executive, Metropolitan Health (Text | Presentation)
Remarks by Mr. Paul Oquist, Minister-Private Secretary for National Policies of the Presidency of the Republic (Text | Presentation)
Item 3 (c): Social protection for vulnerable populations
Note by the Secretariat: Public governance for results: state capacity for post-conflict and post-disaster reconstruction and social protection policies (E/C.16/2011/3)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Peter Anyang' Nyong'o, Minister of Medical Services (Abstract | Presentation)
Item 4: Performance management in governance, including in relation to implementing the internationally agreed development goals and commitments in regard to education, the theme of the 2011 annual ministerial review of the Economic and Social Council
Note by the Secretariat: Review of the United Nations programme in public administration and finance (E/C.16/2011/4)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
Remarks by Mr. Pan Suk Kim, President, International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) (Summary | Text | Presentation)
Remarks by Prof. Valeria Termini, Dean, Scuola della Pubblica Amministrazione
Item 5: Review of the United Nations programme on public administration and finance
Note by the Secretariat: Review of the United Nations programme in public administration and finance (E/C.16/2011/4)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
Remarks by Officer-in-Charge, DPADM/DESA
Review of the draft report and resolution by the Rapporteur (Video)
Remarks by Mr. Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA (Video)
Remarks by Chairperson (Video)
CEPA – DPADM collaboration
Working Group I: Public Administration Capacity: Institutional and Human Resource Development
Working Group II: Development Management and Citizen Engagement
Working Group III: e-Government Development
Working Group IV: Social Protection