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1. The LabX is a Unit from AMA dedicated to experimentation and participation towards innovation in the PA. It developed (among other initiatives) a Remote Experimentation and Collaboration Guide, offering tools/methods for conducting remote research, co-creation or experimentation, guidelines for ensuring citizen participation in this context, etc. 2. The Incentive System for Innovation in Public Management (coordinated by AMA, INA and DGAEP) was entrusted with:
- Developing guides and other support instruments, new management models and new forms of work organisation;
- Promoting innovative management, leadership and work organization practices, integrated into an action plan for innovation;
- Disseminating information providing the necessary framework for the activity of services/workers in new work environments; - Analysing contents made available; - Reinforcing remote training for PA, in articulation with universities with a specific training offer for the current context.


Administrative Modernization Agency (AMA); National Institute of Administrationv (INA); Directorate-General for Administration and Public Employment (DGAEP).

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