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Programme of work (as of 15 April 2016


Remarks by H.E. Mr. Sven Jürgensona, Vice-President of ECOSOC

Remarks by Mr. Wu Hongbo, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA

Item 2: Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters 

Provisional annotated agenda (E/C.16/2016/1)

Economic and Social Council decision on the venue, dates and provisional agenda for the fifteenth session of CEPA (E/2015/247) 

Item 3: Moving from commitments to results: transforming public institutions to facilitate inclusive policy formulation and integration in the implementation and monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals 

Note by the Secretariat: Inclusive policy formulation and integration in the implementation and monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals (E/C.16/2016/2)

Contribution by the Committee to the 2016 thematic review of the high-level political forum on sustainable development 

Remarks by Ms. Margaret Saner, Independent Senior Adviser in Governance, Leadership, Change and Institution Building

Remarks by Ambassador Walter Fust, Former Head, Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Relief (SDC) 

Conference room paper on sharing responsibilities and resources among levels of government: localizing the SDGs 

Background documents 

Background note on challenges for institutions in ensuring that no one is left behind: Draft contribution by the Committee of Experts on Public Administration to the 2016 thematic review of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

Report of the expert group meeting on moving from commitments to results in building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels (United Nations, New York, 17 and 18 February 2016) (ST/ESA/PAD/SER.E/210) 

Background note on possible development of a set of internationally-recognized principles of governance by CEPA 

Other inputs

Amis des Etrangers au Togo

International Institute of Administrative Sciences

Item 3 (a): Ensuring prioritization and decision-making that is fair, responsive, inclusive, participatory and accountable at all levels   

Note by the Secretariat: Diversity and non-discrimination in public administration: strategic enablers of sustainable development (E/C.16/2016/3)

Remarks by Ms. Najat Zarrouk, Director, Development Branch and African Local Government Academy, United Cities and Local Government of Africa (French)

Remarks by Ms. Meredith Edwards, Professor Emeritus, University of Canberra 

Conference room paper on promotion of diversity in employment and an inclusive workplace culture 

Other inputs

Cameroon Association for the Defence of the Victims of Accident

Fraternite Notre Dame

HYDROAID Water for Development Institute 

 Item 3 (b): Improving engagement and communication between Governments and stakeholders, including through access to information, open government and electronic and mobile solutions 

Note by the Secretariat: Institutional capacity in the administration of public space in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals: interaction between government and society (E/C.16/2016/4)

Remarks by Mr. José Castelazo, President, National Institute for Public Administration (INAP)

Remarks by Ms. Rowena Bethel, Independent consultant on e-government, info-communications law and policy, financial regulation and international tax cooperation 

Conference room paper on Improving engagement and communication between government and stakeholders through online and mobile solutions 

Conference room paper on evaluation of open government performance and results 

Other inputs

Institute of Cultural Affairs International

Internet Society 

Item 3 (c): Ensuring effective and innovative implementation, monitoring and impact evaluation of the policies identified in support of the Sustainable Development Goals 

Note by the Secretariat: Oversight institutions, mechanisms and standards of government administration (E/C.16/2016/5)

Conference room paper on promotion of innovation and learning in the course of public policy implementation (EnglishSpanish

Other inputs

New Progressive Alliance 

 Item 3 (d): Strengthening the confidence of citizens in the effectiveness, validity and integrity of public administration through enhanced, targeted efforts to use good governance to prevent, expose and deal with corruption 

Note by the Secretariat: Enhancing efforts to use good governance to prevent, expose and deal with corruption: two significant measures (E/C.16/2016/6)

Remarks by INTOSAI 

Conference room paper on public and parliamentary oversight of State bodies in the fight against corruption (Russian with summary in English)

Conference room paper on addressing the normalization of corruption in public institutions

Other inputs

African Association for Public Administration and Management

African Heritage Foundation Nigeria

Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC)

Sant Nirankari Mandal, Delhi 

 Item 3 (e): Developing transformative leadership and enhancing relevant competencies of public servants 

Note by the Secretariat: Developing transformative leadership and enhancing relevant competencies of public servants (E/C.16/2016/7)

Remarks by Mr. Eko Prasojo, Vice Minister, Ministry of Administrative Reform, Government of Indonesia 

Other inputs

Centre Africain de Recherche Industrielle

Institute of Cultural Affairs

Discussion: Towards a set of internationally-recognized principles of governance 

Remarks by Ms. Margaret Saner, Independent Senior Adviser in Governance, Leadership, Change and Institution Building

Discussion: Promoting innovation and excellence in public services for sustainable development: review of the United Nations Public Service Awards 

Remarks by Mr. John-Mary Kauzya, DPIDG, UNDESA

The content of and the views expressed in the written statements are those of the NGO and do not imply any expression of opinion on the part of the United Nations.