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CEPA Session
24th Session
CEPA Session Date


The Committee of Experts on Public Administration will hold its twenty-fourth session in New York from 7 to 11 April 2025. The theme is "Governance and institutional perspectives on advancing sustainable, inclusive, science and evidence-based solutions for the SDGs".


United Nations Member States
National or sub-national governments
UN Permanent Observers
UN system organizations
Schools and institutes of public administration

NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC, major groups and other civil society organizations


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Registration deadline: 24 March 2025 

Written inputs

Observers are invited to submit written inputs in advance on the substantive issues to be considered by CEPA at the 24th session via email to @email. Deadline for submission is 24 March 2025. Inputs may be published on CEPA website before the session. Further details are available here.

  • Written inputs may not exceed 1,500 words
  • Written inputs must pertain to one of the items on the agenda of the 24th session as approved by ECOSOC. The number and title of the agenda item in question must be indicated on the submission.


Economic and Social Council decision 2024/331 on the provisional agenda for the 24th session of CEPA adopted 23 June 2024       
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24th session documents and programme of work


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