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| Publications

Professionalism and Ethics in the Public Service

Scandals involving public officials have captured world attention these days. Precipitated by shady privatization deals, the diversion of aid, widespread public sector patronage, crony capitalism, and campaign financing abuses, people are debating…
| Publications

Public Service in Africa: New Challenges

Since the 1980s, African States have embarked upon a vast programme of structural adjustment aimed at restoring macro-economic stability. This stability has been accompanied by the accentuation of the liberal character of their economies and their…
| Publications

Financial Management in Transitional Economies

The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolutions 48/180 and 48/181 of 21 December 1993, encouraged the relevant bodies of the United Nations system to foster the environment for entrepreneurship, privatization, demonopolization and…
| Publications | Public Institutions

Governance in Africa: Consolidating the Institutional Foundations

It is expected that efforts to consolidate governance institutions throughout Africa will be rewarded by the fruits of social stability and economic wellbeing. While remarkable strides have been made in some circumstances, substantial gaps persist…
| Publications

Development of Entrepreneurship and Small Business in Transitional Economies

This paper looks at the emergence of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe and tries to evaluate the policies that rendered their growth possible. The issues dealt with are as follows: •…
| Publications

Interaction between the Public Sector and Technological Innovation: Government Policy towards Research and Development

This report analyzes the role of the state in supporting research and development (R&D), as part of state policies towards technological change. The report is a contribution to the ongoing work of the Division for Public Economic and Public…
| Publications

The Role of the Market in the Provision of Public Goods and Services: Balancing Market Failure and Government Failure

One of the most important issues under debate in policy circles in recent years is the appropriate role of governments and markets in fostering economic development. Over the last two decades, governments have assumed a smaller role as privatization…
| Publications

Trends and Issues in the Analysis of Public Expenditures

This report contains six papers presented at a United Nations Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on "Patterns and Trends in Public Expenditures", held at United Nations headquarters in New York on 8 - 10 June 1999. The first paper focuses on public versus…
| Publications

Redesigning Methods and Procedures for the Delivery of Local Services in Small Island Countries

Recently, in many developing countries, a variety of administrative reform efforts have been initiated as a means to promote sound development under the concept of promoting “good governance.” One important consequence is that the improvement of…
| Publications

Privatization in Latin America in the Early 1990's

This is an overview of privatization in Latin America in the early 1990's, which has reference to the Conference on that subject held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in March 1995. It presents, in an analytical and comparative manner, the objectives of…
| Publications | Public Service Innovation

Public Service in Transition: Enhancing its Role, Professionalism, Ethical Values and Standards

In April 1996, the United Nations General Assembly, at its resumed 50th Session, adopted resolution 50/225 on Public Administration and Development. The resolution confirmed the importance of reinforcing public administration for development and…
| Publications | Participation and Accountability

Transparency and Accountability in Government Financial Management

The first on-line meeting of experts under United Nations auspices was an Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on Effecting Transparency and Accountability in Government Financial Management. The meeting was held in New York, Addis Ababa, Accra, Mbabane,…