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Programme of work (as of 7 April 2014


Remarks by H.E. Mr. Martin Sajdik, President of ECOSOC

Remarks by Mr. Wu Hongbo, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA

Item 2: Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters 

Provisional agenda and organization of work (E/C.16/2014/1)

Presentation by Officer-in-Charge, DPADM/DESA

Item 3: Transforming public administration for sustainable development

Item 3 (a): Strengthening national and local capacities for sustainable development management 

Note by the Secretariat: Strengthening national and local capacities for sustainable development management (E/C.16/2014/2)

Presentation by Ms. Najat Zarrouk, Director, Development Branch and African Local Government Academy, United Cities and Local Government of Africa (ArabicEnglishFrench)

Remarks by Ms. Meredith Edwards, Professor Emeritus, University of Canberra 

Break-out group I:  

Remarks by INTOSAI

Reporting of break-out group I 

Conference Room Paper: Social and environmental sustainable urbanization: guidelines for meaningful progress  

Other inputs


Italian Trade Agency

Mr. Jorge Mattar

Mr. Patricio A. Oportus Romero 

Item 3 (b): Promoting leadership, innovation and risk management for sustainable development 

Note by the Secretariat: Promoting leadership, innovation and risk management for sustainable development (E/C.16/2014/3)

Reporting of break-out group II 

Other inputs

Mr. Patricio A. Oportus Romero 

Item 3 (c): Invigorating the professionalism and morale of the public service 

Note by the Secretariat: Invigorating the professionalism and morale of the public service in Africa (E/C.16/2014/4)

Presentation by Ms. Odette R. Ramsing, Group Human Resources Executive, Metropolitan Health  

Other inputs

Mr. Gerald E. Caiden

Mr. Azzeddine Diouri

Mr. Patricio A. Oportus Romero

Item 4: Review of the United Nations programme on public administration and finance 

Note by the Secretariat: Review of the United Nations programme on public administration and finance (E/C.16/2014/5)

Presentation by Officer-in-charge, DPADM and Chief, Public Administration Capacity Branch, DPADM/DESA

Presentation by Chief, E-Government Branch, DPADM/DESA

Presentation by Chief, Development Management Branch, DPADM/DESA

Presentation by Head, United Nations Project Office on Governance, DESA 

Rapporteur working group I - Public Administration Capacity: Institutional and Human Resource Development

Rapporteur working group II - e-Government and ICT for Development 

Presentation by Chief, Development Management Branch, DPADM/DESA

Rapporteur working group III - Citizen Engagement in Managing Development, Open Government Data

The content of and the views expressed in the written statements are those of the NGO and do not imply any expression of opinion on the part of the United Nations.