Item 2: Adoption of the agenda and other organization matters
Provisional annotated agenda (E/C.16/2008/1)
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Remarks by Mr. Guido Bertucci, Director, DPADM/UNDESA
Item 3: Capacity-building for development
Note by the Secretariat: Strengthening Governance and Public Administration Capacities for Development (E/C.16/2008/2)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
Items for discussion
Capacity-building lessons learned from economies in transition
Remarks by Mr. Mikhail Dmitriev, President of the Center for Strategic Research Russian Federation
Introduction to capacity-building for MDGs
Remarks by Mr. Rachid Benmokhtar Benabdellah, President of Al Akhawayn University
Introduction to capacity-building for post-conflict reconstruction
Remarks by Mr. John Mary Kauzya, Chief of Governance and Public Administration Branch, DPIDG, UNDESA
Capacity-building for disaster management/preparedness
Remarks by Mr. Prijono Tjiptoherijanto, Professor of Economics University of Indonesia
Commemoration of 60th anniversary of the UN programme on public administration, finance and development
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Léo Mérorès, President of ECOSOC
Remarks by Mr. Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA (Video | Text)
Remarks by Representative, INTOSAI (Video | Text)
Remarks by Ms. Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, Chancellor, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa (Video | Text)
Remarks by Mr. Marc Holzer, Dean of the School of Public Affairs and Administration at Rutgers University (Video)
Remarks by Mr. Zhou Hongren, Vice Chairman, National Information and Technology Commission (Video | Text)
Remarks by Mr. Alejandro Carrillo Castro, Honorary President, National Institute of Public Administration (Video)
Item 4: Compendium of basic United Nations terminology in governance and public administration
Note by the Secretariat: Compendium of basic United Nations terminology in governance and public administration (E/C.16/2008/3)
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Remarks by Mr. Mario P. Chiti, Professor of Administrative Law, University of Firenze
Item 5: Review of the United Nations programme on public administration and finance
Note by the Secretariat: Review of the United Nations programme in public administration and finance (E/C.16/2008/4)
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
Remarks by Director, DPADM/UNDESA
Remarks by Kyung Hee University
Remarks by Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor
Item 6: Public administration perspective on the theme of the high-level segment of the Economic and Social Council: Sustainable Development
Note by the Secretariat: Public administration perspective on implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to sustainable development (E/C.16/2008/5)
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